We are Wellington-based assessors for CASA and CAAPilot and police vision examinations must be booked by calling the practice.
We can provide special vision exams for Civil Aviation Authority (CAA NZ applicants) and Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA Australia applicants). Geoff Sargent, Natalie Wong and Stephanie Fox are accredited examiners for the CAA and Geoff Sargent is the only Wellington-based CASA Assessor.
We will perform a full vision and eye health assessment and provide a report for the Medical Examiner. This will include some different tests to a normal vision exam, including dilation of the pupils with eye drops that can cause blurring of vision. We do not recommend driving or flying for several hours afterwards. Please bring all glasses/contact lenses to your examination. This test can take up to one hour.
Police vision examinations
Police officers require good eyesight for a range of tasks including driving vehicles safely in adverse weather and at high speeds.
If you have had vision correction surgery (refractive or laser eye surgery) then you will need a Level 2 assessment to ensure you meet the standard. Geoff Sargent is an accredited vision examiner for Level 1 and 2 Police applicants.
Colour vision
Your colour vision will be assessed with the Ishihara test to screen for colour vision deficiency. If you fail this test, further assessment can be done with Farnsworth D15 colour vision test to diagnose the colour perception difficulty and establish if you meet the visual standards.
Please phone Wellington (04) 473-7047 or Porirua (04) 237-8323 to book these appointments.