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Sudden changes can require immediate attention

If you notice any sudden changes to your vision, don’t wait for it to come right on its own. Ocular emergencies can happen at any time and require immediate attention by an expert to prevent long-term damage.

There are a range of eye conditions that can occur suddenly. Some conditions can potentially be sight-threatening or a symptom of a serious medical condition. At Barry & Sargent Optometrists we offer emergency appointments for urgent eye care.

All of our optometrists are expertly trained to diagnose vision conditions and are therapeutically qualified to prescribe medicines (eye drops or oral medications) for eye conditions such as infections or inflammatory problems. Our glaucoma-prescriber approved optometrist can also prescribe glaucoma specific eye drops.

Common symptoms of emergency eye conditions may include:

  • sudden vision loss or blurry vision in one or both eyes
  • red, sore or painful eyes
  • injuries to the eye including foreign material hitting or becoming stuck in the eye
  • appearance of flashes, floaters, spots, or curtains in vision
  • double vision
  • unusual light sensitivity
  • swelling or discharge
  • irritated, itchy eyes
  • new headaches or migraines
  • chemical exposure

If you experience any of the above symptoms or notice any other worrying changes, you need to be seen by one of our optometrists as soon as possible.

If there is a more serious condition that cannot be treated by an optometrist we can refer directly to the appropriate specialist when required. We regularly refer to the eye department at Wellington Hospital or private ophthalmology clinics and work with your general medical practitioner.

Need to be seen today? Call now.